

Key Information


Our Intent

This explains our aims for the children in our school and what we believe is important for our children to learn. It includes our rationale for the choices we have made about the curriculum and the pledges that we make to our children and parents about the experiences they can expect as part of our school community.

Our Whole School Intent

Our intention for every child in this school is that they experience a rich, aspirational curriculum which stimulates their curiosity, challenges their perceptions of the world and equips them to be happy, healthy humans. They will choose to be respectful, kind, responsible young people who contribute positively to our world.

Our Intent for the Quality of Education at this school

Our curriculum will meet the children where they are.

Every child will acquire the knowledge, skills and understanding which will empower them to achieve to the best of their ability. The intent for their learning in all subjects will be strong, cohesive and focused. Curriculum implementation will be inclusive and aspirational embedding resources which promote equality, diversity, local, regional and global links and which support confidence, resilience and independence.

Our Implementation

This explains what we deliver as part of our curriculum offer, what guidance we use for each subject and how we monitor and review this to ensure that we are always meeting the needs of the children.

At this school we follow the new National Curriculum. We take an innovative whole school approach to how we present our curriculum offer to children and parents, using a topic web approach. We start with a ‘Big Idea’ and lots of questions to inspire the children. We develop this further saying that ‘As mathematicians…’ or ‘As Scientists…’ to give the children a real sense of taking on a professional role. We cover a broad and balanced range of themes which we hope to expand over time. The Big Idea is the same for all classes to support family engagement across year groups.

 Find out more about the subjects in our curriculum.

Our Impact

This explains what the children achieve academically by including our published SATs data. We also include pupil and parent voice about what it is like to be part of our school community.

Please contact the school office for further information about our Curriculum.